Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Family: Verbenaceae
Bengali/Vernacular Name: Mathara, Barmala, Dhalahuja, Aplotan, Fulujha, Jugga harina.
Tribal Name: Hozagach (Chakma).
Description of the Plant:
An erect large shrub. Leaves 12.5-23 cm. long, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, white-tomentose beneath. Flowers small, rose-coloured, corowded in axillary globose, peduncled cymes, 2.5-7.5 cm across. Drupes white.

Using Information:
The plant is used against dysentery. Wood paste is used in mouth and tongue sores. Leaves are smoked to relieve headache. Seed paste is used in stomatitis and leprosy. The root yields aromatic oil, used in the treatment of stomach disorders. The leaves are warmed and applied to rheumatic joints.
Chemical Constituents:
Aerial parts contain 2-tetracyclic diterpenoids, calliterpenone and its mono-OAc. Leaves contain sitosterol; calliterpenone and its mono-OAc, luteolin, apigenin and its 7-glucuronides; ursolic acid, its 2-OH derivetives, crategolic acid. Seeds contain calliterpenone and its acetate (Asolkar et al., 1992).
Forests of Sylhet, Sal forests and Chittagong Hills Tracts.



Family: Fabaceae
Synonyms: U. lagopoides DC.
Bengali/Vernacular Name: Lata-chakuley, Chakuley, Chakulia, Gurkha-chakulia, Golak-chakulia.
Description of the Plant:
A prostrate and ascending woody small shrub, 30-90 cm long. Leaves 2.5-5 cm long; leaflets solitary or 3-foliolate; oblong, rhomboid, rounded, hairy beneath. Racemes dense, oblong, 2.5-6.3 cm long, 2 cm through. Flowers white. Pods 3.8 cm long and 2 cm wide.
Using Information:
The plant is abortifacient, laxative, aphrodisiac; used in remittent fever, asthma, dysentery and for the treatment of inflammation in the chest. Decoction of the leaf is used for diarrhoea. An Ayurvedic drug consists of this plant is used in rheumatism, fever, bleeding piles, catarrh and scorpion-sting. Shoot extract showed oxytocic and antiimplantation activity.
Chemical Constituents:
Principal constituents of this plant are flavonoids and six anti-snake venom flavonoid compounds have been isolated from the plant (Ghani, 2003).
Sal forests of Gazipur and Tangail.

Uraria Lagopoides


Synonyms: C. infortunatum Gaertn.
Family: Verbenaceae)
Bengali/Vernacular Name: Ghetu, Bhat.
Tribal Name: Veg (Chakma); Kho pa che, Khun kha baong (Marma); Baita gach (Garo).

Description of the Plant

A shrub or undershrub, 0.9-2.4 m high. Leaves large, 10-25 cm long, ovate, acuminate, hairy on both sides. Flowers white tinged with pink, on large pubescent, panicles. Fruit, a drupe, 8 mm across, black.

Using Information

The plant is tonic, antipyretic and anthelmintic. Leaves and roots are used in asthma, tumours and certain skin diseases. Infusion of the leaves is used as bitter tonic and antiperiodic in malaria. Expressed juice of the leaves is laxative and cholagogue. Leaves are also used in chest complaint with cough and difficult expectoration. In Rangamati, leaf-boiled water is used as a bath in jaundice by the tribal; Marmas take bath for scabies.
Root juice is warmed and rubbed on the penis to treat impotency. Root juice along with ginger is given to relieve colic pain by the Garo in Madhupur.
Alcoholic extract of the young leaves possesses strong antibacterial and poor antifungal properties (Singha et al., 1993 & Anwar et al., 1994).


Chemical Constituents

The plant contains saponin, flavonoids, alkaloids, a new glycoside, clerodendroside, lupeol, benzoic acid derivatives and ß-sitosterol. The plant also contains clerosterol, clerodolone, clerodone. Leaves contain protein, free reducing sugar, a bitter principle, clerodin a sterol, oleic, stearic and lignoceric acids, tannin, glucuronide and gallic acid.
Roots contain lupeol & ß-sitosterol, the antifungal flavonoids, cabruvin and quercetin. The seeds contain a fatty oil, in which the major fatty acids are palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids. Clerodin and hentriacontane have been isolated from flowers (Ghani, 2003; Rastogi & Mehrotra, 1990 & 93).


Occur along road sides and fallow lands, throughout the country.


Medicinal Plant BD


Rafikul Islam